Inspired by EonsOfBattle’s Highway Base Video I set out to make my own for my Black Templar Killteam. I had 3 mm thick cork laying around from a different project and figured it’d be perfect for this. Rank and file troops would get a single layer of cork, HQ units and walkers two or more so I could play around with the different levels of a street. Here’s my quick way to make them.

- First, I roughly tore up chunks of cork to match the diameter of my printed magnet-embedded 32 mm bases and glued it on top using UHU Universal glue.
- Then I generously coated the entire base in black Vallejo primer using a brush, making sure that all the cork is sufficiently coated.
- Next, I drybrushed the top of the base with cheap craftstore grey acrylic paint.
- Once dry, I applied a cheap homemade black wash (black ink, water, airbrush flow improver) onto the entire base.
- Afterwards, I gently drybrushed the edges of the base using beige craftstore acrylic paint.
- After that, I arranged the bases in a line and glued a rough guide onto all using electric tape.
- Then I first sponged on yellow paint.
- And once that was dry, a small amount of orange paint on top.
- Finally, peeling the tape yields a very nice stripe pattern.
Finished pictures